Well on Saturday I made a trip up to the Renninger's Flea Market in Mount Dora. I can usually find something there to purchase but I had no luck with me this weekend. I saw a beautiful (but overpriced) late 1800's quilt top but no fabrics to speak of. Every month they have an antique fair and it's hit or miss on antique quilts. They also have 3 antique extravaganza's each year, in January, February and November and they are spectacular. I've never left an extravaganza empty handed. If you haven't been to one, they're worth the effort. Here's their link if you want more info:
On my way to Mount Dora I saw this tall storm cloud and rainbow. Luckily it went South when I went North! Unfortunately it was about the most interesting thing I saw all day.
I do have some fabrics to add so I'll get them posted next week.
Love the Lone Star Quilt!!!