Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Modern Quilting

I guess I'm a little behind the times because I'm just now hearing of the "Modern Quilting" movement.  Apparently some quilters feel that traditional quilting is too limiting so they're starting Modern guilds.

"Modern Quilting" is taking traditional quilting to a new level. Allowing quilters more freedom with patterns and techniques to create new style quilts.  The premise is that quilters are freer to experiment with new designs and aren't restrained by traditional techniques.  Funny, I've never thought of traditional quilting as well, traditional. Quilters have been modifying and putting their own artistic stamp on quilts for decades. Oh sure there are some very traditional quilt patterns that everyone knows and loves. But quilters have been modifying and "messing" with patterns since quilting began. Either through necessity (they didn't have enough fabric to do the pattern desired) or plain creativity.

In my mind, Modern Quilting is traditional quilting. There's nothing all that new about it. I have to credit them however with adding some new excitement, and new members, to the quilting community. It's unfortunate that many young people today don't even know how to sew, much less make a quilt. If the Modern movement can help continue our rich history of quilting, I say more power to them.  I only hope though that they don't forget their roots of traditional quilting.

I'll be putting a few things on eBay on Wednesday.

Have a great week!

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